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  • Guang Chen



For most of us, there is something deep inside our brains that craves sugar. This must be evolutionary as we see bears risking their lives to get honey.

Sugar is pervasive within our modern lives. Sugary goodness has become part of our traditional celebrations. Birthdays, Easter and Halloween just to name a few.

We do not need to walk far to get our sugar fix. Sugary drinks, confectionaries and cakes are everywhere the eye can see. Coca Cola and Pepsi became multibillion companies because of our insatiable need for sugar. Supermarkets use discounts on sugary snacks to attract our wandering eye.

Sugar is also abundant in many foods that do not taste sweet or appear healthy. How do you ask? Sugar is often used as a flavour enhancer. Sugar is what makes the expensive yogurts with fruit syrup tastes so naughty. Sugar is what brings balance to the acidity of sauces. Sugar is what makes low-fat foods taste so palatable.


Let us be clear, I am not against sugar. I love sugar. Sugar awareness is important because the subconscious effects of sugar are no different to many illicit drugs. Ignorance can be detrimental.

I suggest reading up on daily recommendations of sugar intake. I think you will be shocked out of your pants. One can of Coca Cola will blow your daily limit right out of the water. Thats not to say you should not have a full-strength soda ever again. Moderation is the key.

Reading labels is also helpful. It takes a bit of practice because food manufacturers are very clever and try to hide certain naughty ingredients under different names or fancy code names. They also try to give a breakdown of dietary information per serving. What the manufacturer treats as a serving is often vastly different from what the average person thinks. For example, one serving of chocolate is 2-3 squares. I personally do not know anyone that eats only 2 squares when they buy a block of chocolate. Using a common reference such as per 100g will be fairer.

SUGAR = dextrose, brown sugar, cane crystals, cane sugar, corn syrup, fructose sweetener, fruit juice concentrates, high-fructose corn syrup, honey, liquid fructose, malt syrup, maple syrup, molasses, nectar, raw sugar, sucrose, syrup, etc

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Note: This post is for educational and entertainment purposes. For specific advice regarding your health and treatment, please speak to your doctor or specialist.

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