Welcome to our Weight Management Series.
Over the last several decades, Australians are on average getting larger. Associated with increased weight are multiple health implications including but limited to diabetes, sleep apnoea, heart disease, stroke and cancers.
In this series, we explore the factors that influence our weight and how to manage these.
Let us begin first by discussing human physiology. Prior to crop farming and domestication of farm animals, food was not easily available. Our ancestors would eat only if they found food or were successful at hunting. As a result, our bodies are designed to store energy efficiently.
Fast forward to 2018, food is now available at our fingers 24/7. With the popularity and availability of smartphones, we can have any type of food delivered directly to the door.
One strategy is "intermittent fasting". The definition of intermittent fasting varies depending on who you ask. In essence, it is about restricting the time available to eat. There is no specific restriction on the types of foods one can eat. Common recommendations include 16/8 (16 hours of normal eating and 8 hours of fasting) or 5/2 (5 days of normal eating and 2 days of "fasting"). Intermittent fasting is thought to work via restricting calories and improving insulin metabolism. Intermittent fasting will not work if you overeat.
Stay tuned for our next post. Please share you if you think someone else may benefit from this series.
Note: This post is for educational and entertainment purposes. For specific advice regarding your health and treatment, please speak to your doctor or specialist.