Participation in bowel cancer screening
In 2019–2020, based on preliminary data:
6.1 million people aged 50–74 were invited to participate in the NBCSP.
2.5 million people returned a completed bowel screening test.
The national rate was 41.6%.
Participation by sex and age
In 2019–2020, based on preliminary data:
Women had a higher participation rate than men (43.7% compared with 39.5%).
Those aged 70–74 years had the highest participation rate.
Participation by state/territory
In 2019-2020, based on preliminary data:
South Australia and Tasmania had the highest bowel screening participation rates for people aged 50–74 (47%).
Trends in participation
The national participation rate has increased from 38.9% of invited people aged 50–74 in 2014–2015 to 43.5% in 2018–2019 and fell to 41.6% in 2019–2020. It should be noted that since 2018 the program has widened its target ages resulting in a steady increase in the number of invitees over time
The above information was taken from Cancer screening programs: quarterly data July 2022